imagenes para blog

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


The summer is coming soon, and in a few weeks school will end, I'm in 4º of secundary school and i must pass all my exams just to get the graduate in june and enjoy summer. Final exams are coming up this week, from thursday until wednesday, so I won't have time to update my blog.
When final exams end I will have a week without exams and I'll can update some entries, but after I'll have global exams, it will only take three days, and then I won't have any exam, and any class, I only will have to live every second of my sixth tenth summer.

Good luck to all of you that are going to take exams soon, especially for who are going to do the selectivity.
I hope you miss me much.


3 comentarios:

A g r i p i n a. dijo...

Suerte con los exámenes!:D
un beso

Gonzalo dijo...

muy guay las fotos de tu blog! :) yo tb soy de alicante!

Caresses sur Paris dijo...

Suerteeeee y te sigo! muak